Create a Top N Rank to filter a Data table in Shiny


I hope you can help me out on this request.

I'm working on a Shiny dashboard where I'd like to create a Top N Rank filter I can apply to a data table.

What's the best way to apply it? Should I create a reactive function in the server or is there any best way?

The objective is to type the number I want to filter the table. Ex: Top 10, 20...

I'm sending a simplified version of the code.

Thank you very much in advance for your time and help. Much appreciated.



> ui <- dashboardPage(
      box(DT::dataTableOutput("table1"), width=10, height=600))


> server <- function(input, output) {
  output$table1 <- renderDataTable({

shinyApp(ui, server)

All you need to do for this example is put the filter code inside the `renderDataTable({}) function. So something like:

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$table1 <- renderDataTable({
    datatable(dataset_DB[1: input$n_rank, ])

Where input$n_rank is where the user selects the number of rows they want to see. However if your app gets more complicated then you'll want to create a reactive dataset using reactive to handle the filtering like this:

server <- function(input, output) {

   filt_df <- reactive(dataset_DB[1: input$n_rank, ])
  output$table1 <- renderDataTable({

That way you can call filt_df() to generate the reactive dataset wherever you use it, for instance if you wanted to include a plot. The reason to pull things out into reactive is that it will help reduce code re-use and protect you from accidentally filtering the dataset too many times if the dataset is rendered frequently.

Hi @gordon

Thank you so much for your reply. I very much appreciate it. It's great.

I will follow your second recommendation. It works perfectly.

In the case I had different columns in my data table and wanted to select the column I want to rank by.

How should I modify your second reactive argument? Could I pass the input$variable from the UI below within the reactive function you suggested?

box(selectInput("Variable", "Please Select Variable to rank", 
                      choices = colnames)) 


Yup! Although I think the datatables output allows people to sort by different columns if that's what you're after.

yes, I'd like to sort by different columns.


I'm trying to run the following code with the objective of ranking by datatable with the column select under the "SelectInput" created. However, I don't think I'm passing it to server properly as I continue to get the error

x must be a data.frame or data.table.

This is the code I'm running


ui <- dashboardPage(
      box(DT::dataTableOutput("table1"), width=10, height=600),
      box(textInput(inputId = "n_rank",
                    label = "Choose a number",
                    value = 25)),
      box(selectInput("variable", "Please Select Variable to rank", 
                      choices = colnames))            


server <- function(input, output) {
   filt_df <- reactive(dataset_DB2[1: input$n_rank, ][setorder(input$variable)])
   output$table1 <- renderDataTable({

shinyApp(ui, server)

Hope you can help me out. Much appreciated.
