Create questions and quiz in learnr RMarkdown document

I'd like to create a learnr tutorial in RMarkdown with the files in the responses folder, which contain data for questions, video, and quizzes. I have here three csv files inside the responses folder:

[1] "responses/20181109-163432_question.csv" "responses/20181109-163437_video.csv"   
[3] "responses/20181109-163442_quiz.csv"    

In a learnr R Markdown, with the YAML:

title: "Create Question/Video/Quiz"
    progressive: true
    allow_skip: true
runtime: shiny_prerendered

I'd like to loop through these files and if a question file, create question template, if a video , create video template, and if a quiz , create quiz template.

When I say template, I'm referring to learnr functions:

question template would be:

```{r letter-a, echo=FALSE}

    question("What number is the letter A in the English alphabet?",
      answer("1", correct = TRUE),
      random_answer_order = TRUE

Video template would be:

# Video Title

And quiz template would be:

``{r quiz1, echo=FALSE}
quiz(caption = "Quiz 1",
  question("What number is the letter A in the *English* alphabet?",
    answer("1", correct = TRUE),
  question("Where are you right now? (select ALL that apply)",
    answer("Planet Earth", correct = TRUE),
    answer("At a computing device", correct = TRUE),
    answer("In the Milky Way", correct = TRUE),
    incorrect = "Incorrect. You're on Earth, in the Milky Way, at a computer."

Note: These templates are taken from the learnr tutorial