Create white space between png images created in leaflet placed side by side using rMarkdown

Hi @Jonw!

This might be coming at the question a bit sideways, but since you already have PNG images, how about just adding borders, courtesy of ImageMagick and the magick package? A very simple example on a dark background to make the effect obvious:

title: "Adding borders to PNGs`"
output: html_document

```{css, echo=FALSE}
body {background-color: #777; color: #fff;}


img <- image_read("")

img_with_border <- image_border(img, "white", "20x20")

image_write(img, "img.png")
image_write(img_with_border, "img_with_border.png")

# Borderless
knitr::include_graphics(c("img.png", "img.png"))

# With border
knitr::include_graphics(c("img_with_border.png", "img_with_border.png"))

You could get more elaborate with the borders, too. The magick compositing functions can do an awful lot when you put them together!