Creating a function or loop for assigning deciles

I have a dataset of 66,527,460. They are sorted in ascending order based on count values. Is there a way to write a function or loop in R that will tell me what the 1st through 10th decile is and what the min and max value for 'count' variable?

I am breaking up my deciles like this so it knows how to be defined in a loop, etc..

1st decile: 66,527,460 * .1

2nd decile: 66,527,460 *.2

3rd decile: 66,527,460 *.3

etc.. all the way to

10th decile: 66,527,460 *1

Use quantile() along with min() and max().

Does it matter than I need to specify where the deciles are?

Something like

if var_name is between 1 and 6,652,746 then it is decile 1 (as in flag it decile 1)

if var_name is between 6,652,746 and 13, 305,492 then it is decile 2

if var_name is between 13, 305,492 then it is decile 3

etc... all the way to decile 10

That's not how deciles work.

If you are after deciles, then use the quantile() function. Otherwise I don't know what you are trying to do.

Ok-- if I need to create my own breaks where decile 1 is taking the values from the range stated below, is there a quick function or command to compute that for all the remaining groups ?

1st decile: 66,527,460 * .1

2nd decile: 66,527,460 *.2

3rd decile: 66,527,460 *.3

etc.. all the way to

10th decile: 66,527,460 *1

Deciles would be a population broken up into 10 equally populated categories.
You have asked instead to divide a population into 10 equal ranges within which populations may vary.

You might approach your task in the following way.

# some example data to work with
(plraw <- sort(iris$Petal.Length))

# get parameters of our operation
(range_plraw <- range(plraw))

# 10 partitions fall between 11 positions
(breaks_i_want <- seq(from=range_plraw[1],
                      length.out = 11))

#apply the breaks to the main population
(plcut <- cut(plraw,breaks = breaks_i_want,include.lowest = TRUE))


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