Creating groups which go from negative to positive numbers

Hi guys,

I need your help with grouping a variable :slight_smile:

I have a continuous variable 'budget' which goes from -6847 (negative) to +81204 (positive)
I'm trying to create the groups using the following code (which does what it should when values are positive)

balance_groups <- c(paste(seq(-10000,90000, by=10000), seq(-10000 + 10000 - 1, 100000-1, by=10000),
                          sep = "-"), paste(100000, "+", sep = ""))

unfortunately the output I am getting from this code is the following:

"-10000--1" "0-9999" "10000-19999" "20000-29999" "30000-39999" "40000-49999" "50000-59999" "60000-69999" "70000-79999" "80000-89999" "90000-99999" "1e+05+"

I tried various variations of the numbers, but I must be doing something wrong as the groups are always incorrect. It's mainly the first group which is wrong. I'd like it to be -10,000 - 0, "1-9999". I tried various combinations but none work!

I would be grateful for your help :slight_smile:
Thank you

This is not necessarily better than simply doing it by hand.

author: roc
date: 2021-04-05
output: "reprex::reprex\_document"
title: dopey-nyala_reprex.R


paste(s, " - ", sep = "")
#> Error in paste(s, " - ", sep = ""): object 's' not found

s <- seq(from = -10000, to = 100000,by = 10000)

evens <- s[which(s %% 2 == 0)]
odds <- (s-1)[which((s-1 %% 2 != 0))]

dat <- data.frame(evens = evens,odds = odds)

dat <- dat %>% mutate(asmb = lead(odds,1),
               odds = evens)

dat[1,3] <- 0
dat[2,2] <- 1
dat <- dat %>% mutate(result = paste(odds,asmb,sep = " - "))
#>  [1] "-10000 - 0"    "1 - 9999"      "10000 - 19999" "20000 - 29999"
#>  [5] "30000 - 39999" "40000 - 49999" "50000 - 59999" "60000 - 69999"
#>  [9] "70000 - 79999" "80000 - 89999" "90000 - 99999" "1e+05 - NA"
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Wow, technocrat! You're a wiz! It took me a bit of time to even understand all the steps! It's a long-winded way but worked, so thank you. :star2:

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