Cumultative Dist. Func.

x <- father.son$fheight
smallest <- floor(min(x))
largest <- ceiling(max(x))
values <- seq(smallest, largest, len = 300)
heightcdf <- ecdf(x)
plot(values, heightcdf(values), type="1",
xlab="a (Height in inches)", ylab = "Pr(x <= a)")

i have error; this " Error in plot.xy(xy, type, ...) : invalid plot type '1'"what can i do in this situation?

Hi, welcome to the forum.

I am not sure what you want to do with

heightcdf <- ecdf(x)

but it

> class(heightcdf)
Empirical CDF 
Call: ecdf(x)
 x[1:8] =      2,      3,      4,  ...,      8,      9
> class(heightcdf)
[1] "ecdf"     "stepfun"  "function"

says it is not plotable.

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thank u your answer

Something like this will give you a plot but i don't think it is what you intend.

x <- sample(2:10, 300 , replace = TRUE)

smallest <- floor(min(x))
largest <- ceiling(max(x))
values <- seq(smallest, largest, len = 300)
heightcdf <- ecdf(x)
myvals <-   heightcdf(values)
plot(values, myvals,
     xlab="a (Height in inches)", ylab = "Pr(x <= a)")

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