Custom background using renderdata

Hi All,

I am trying to show a table with different background based on a particular column value.

So, I want to group by column A and based on that if Column D has NULL value then the background is set accordingly.
Case 1: if it has NULL as well as other values : Color yellow
Case 2: No NULLs (All Data): Color Red
Case: All NULLs: Color Green

I have this code here to achieve this but for some reason the grouping is failing and it takes one single color: Yellow to the whole tables background because it is only checking the count of NULLs based on D column and not grouping by A to do this. Please help!

# DataDFQuery is a sql query which has all the 4 columns as an output

DataDF <- DataDFQuery %>% dplyr::group_by(A)
   functiontocheck <- function(A,D)
      for (u in 2:length(A)) # Looping through all the A
        for (e in 2:length(D)) #Looping through the D within those A
          TotalCount <- length(D) #Length of the error column within the A
          NULLCount <- sum(str_detect(D, '^NULL')) #Length of the "NULL" within the column
          # Assigning the color coding based on these lengths of D
          if (NULLCount == TotalCount) 
          {DataTableBackground = 'lightgreen'}
          else if (NULLCount < TotalCount) 
          {DataTableBackground = 'lightyellow'}
          else if (NULLCount == 0) 
          {DataTableBackground = '#FFCCCB'}

    output$DataDF <- DT::renderDataTable(
      DataDF %>%
        datatable(rownames= FALSE
        formatStyle(colnames(DataDF), target = 'row', backgroundColor = functiontocheck(A, D))

Below is a slightly different approach. First, I use a case_when() statement to create a column in the data frame named color_level. Then, the colors are assigned to backgroundColor using the styleEqual() function, specifying the levels and associated values.


DataDFQuery = data.frame(
  A = c(rep('ABC', 3), rep('DEF', 2), rep('GHI', 2)),
  B = 'Value',
  C = 'Value',
  D = c('NULL', rep('Data', 4), 'NULL', 'NULL')

DataDFQuery = DataDFQuery %>%
  group_by(A) %>%
  mutate(color_level = case_when(
    all(D == 'Data') ~ 0, 
    all(D == 'NULL') ~ 1, 
    TRUE ~ 2

DataDFQuery %>%
  datatable(rownames = FALSE,
            options = list(
              columnDefs = list(list(visible=FALSE, targets = 4)) # hides color_level column
            ) %>%
  formatStyle(columns = 'color_level', 
              target = 'row', 
              backgroundColor = styleEqual(levels = c(0, 1, 2), 
                                           values = c('red', 'green', 'yellow'))

Here is the final output.

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@scottyd22 , thank you for the quick reply. However, I trying to do the same thing but assign the table to an output to the UI but it throws an error:

Error in .subset2(x, "impl")$defineOutput: Unexpected datatables object for output$DataDF
ℹ Did you forget to use a render function?

My code:

 output$DataDF <- DataDFQuery %>%
      datatable(rownames = FALSE,
                options = list(
                  columnDefs = list(list(visible=FALSE, targets = 4)) # hides color_level column
      ) %>%
      formatStyle(columns = 'color_level', 
                  target = 'row', 
                  backgroundColor = styleEqual(levels = c(0, 1, 2), 
                                               values = c('red', 'green', 'yellow'))

I overlooked this was for a shiny app. The output should be wrapped in a render function.

output$DataDF <- DT::renderDataTable({
  DataDFQuery %>%
    datatable(rownames = FALSE,
              options = list(
                columnDefs = list(list(visible=FALSE, targets = 4)) # hides color_level column
    ) %>%
    formatStyle(columns = 'color_level', 
                target = 'row', 
                backgroundColor = styleEqual(levels = c(0, 1, 2), 
                                             values = c('red', 'green', 'yellow'))
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Thank you @scottyd22 this worked :slight_smile:

A quick question is there a way to add legend to this table as well? Like if would like to add a small table or box with color coding specification what red, yellow and green mean?

I know there is a way to add legends to plots/graphs. Do you know if it exists for such tables as well?

I'm not aware of any legends that can be added to a table, but you could utilize the table caption (and HTML) to specify what the colors mean. Below is one way to do that.

output$DataDF <- DT::renderDataTable({
  Caption = paste0('&#128997 No NULL values', # red box
                   '&nbsp;&nbsp;', # added space
                   '&#x1F7E9; All NULL values', # green box
                   '&nbsp;&nbsp;', # added space
                   '&#129000; NULL and non-NULL values</font>' # yellow box
  DataDFQuery %>%
    datatable(rownames = FALSE,
              caption = htmltools::HTML(Caption),
              options = list(
                columnDefs = list(list(visible=FALSE, targets = 4))
    ) %>%
    formatStyle(columns = 'color_level', 
                target = 'row', 
                backgroundColor = styleEqual(levels = c(0, 1, 2), 
                                             values = c('red', 'green', 'yellow'))

Thanks again @scottyd22 , I believe I might have missed something because if I try another hex code for the colors it stops showing the box and the color on the UI.

Here I used #FFCCCB instead of the red color you mentioned in your example


I should have explained, the color boxes are specific unicode characters. I had to look up the associated HTML entity.

Here is the link I used for yellow:

Okay makes sense! @scottyd22, another quick question in the example code is there a way to merge the rows for column for similar values?

Something like this: Column A, B and C have similar values so I want to merge them and then show different values in Column D

I tried doing it with RowsGroup option but does not work

output$DataDF <- DT::renderDataTable({
  Caption = paste0('&#128997 No NULL values', # red box
                   '&nbsp;&nbsp;', # added space
                   '&#x1F7E9; All NULL values', # green box
                   '&nbsp;&nbsp;', # added space
                   '&#129000; NULL and non-NULL values</font>' # yellow box
  DataDFQuery %>%
    datatable(rownames = FALSE,
              caption = htmltools::HTML(Caption),
              options = list(
                columnDefs = list(list(visible=FALSE, targets = 4)),
              options = list(rowsGroup = list(0,1,2)),
                                  extensions = 'RowsGroup'
    ) %>%
    formatStyle(columns = 'color_level', 
                target = 'row', 
                backgroundColor = styleEqual(levels = c(0, 1, 2), 
                                             values = c('red', 'green', 'yellow'))

I will address this in a different thread, as it is outside the scope of the original topic.

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