Data entry form in r


I am struggling creating data entry form in r shiny.
I tried with editableDT and also using CRUD functions but when I try to save in csv, I am not able to do it.

I want quick data entry form which I can save back to csv in r shiny

Please help


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Does have to be input as a table? You could always create textInput() or selectInput() and gather the data that way. Otherwise, I've had success using the package library(rhandsontable) although it can be a pain to get it to give back your data once input, which is why I bring up the input() options.

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@Suhasb11, maybe you can check this out! Shiny Contest Submission: Table Editor Shiny App You can entry data from R shiny and click download button to download in csv. I also post some alternative solutions (in replies) that in case you want to implement double clicking as cell modify feature, or you want to have a master file stored in Dropbox. Hopefully this will help!

This Dean Attali Blog Post provides a detailed tutorial on building a shiny app that mimics a google form. I was able to able to create my own in about an hour.

Hope it helps

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Thanks for kind help

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