Data Set Organisation Help

Hi All,

Go easy on me please, I’m very very new to RStudio & I am getting myself in a bit of a confused puzzle here.

I am working on a project for University where I’m looking to see whether there is any interaction between Parent’s Future Thinking Strategies (PFTQ) and their Child Future Thinking Strategies (CFTQ).

Now, all the following information was pre-determined by the University.

There are 45 questions for the parents to answer on themselves and then a further 45 questions for the parents to answer on their child. Answers are categorical & on a 8 point Likert Scale (Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Somewhat Disagree, Strongly Disagree, I Don’t Know, Prefer not to say & Does not apply). 100 participants in total.

What is the best way to go about analysing the data received from this?

Hi, What exactly are you looking at doing? These are some examples with survey data that might help. They show analysis using Likert scale questions, but I'm sure you could find lots of other examples online.

Otherwise, for the intereactions, you could look at something like Difference-in-differences to for the interactions.

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