daterangepicker in r

Hello community, how can i get this format in r:

... has an airDatePicker

Thank you @nirgrahamuk but I can't see the right hand side option for hours or

you're right, ive never seen a time specific widget. let me know if you find one.

on reflection it does seem to have some time features but i've never used them

  label = NULL,
  value = NULL,
  multiple = FALSE,
  range = FALSE,
  timepicker = FALSE,    <--- ***
  separator = " - ",
  placeholder = NULL,
  dateFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd",
  minDate = NULL,
  maxDate = NULL,
  disabledDates = NULL,
  view = c("days", "months", "years"),
  startView = NULL,
  minView = c("days", "months", "years"),
  monthsField = c("monthsShort", "months"),
  clearButton = FALSE,
  todayButton = FALSE,
  autoClose = FALSE,
  timepickerOpts = timepickerOptions(),
  position = NULL,
  update_on = c("change", "close"),
  addon = c("right", "left", "none"),
  language = "en",
  inline = FALSE,
  width = NULL

  dateTimeSeparator = NULL,
  timeFormat = NULL,
  minHours = NULL,
  maxHours = NULL,
  minMinutes = NULL,
  maxMinutes = NULL,
  hoursStep = NULL,
  minutesStep = NULL

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