Dates showing N/A

I am new to R. Please give me the idiot explanation to my question please.
I added my data which is a .CSV file from excel into R. Everything is going smoothly except when i try to change the date column from character to date, it will be showing N/A all through in the date column.

daily_activity <- daily_activity %>%
mutate(date = as_date(date, format = "%d-%m-%y"))

daily_activity_sleep_day <- merge(daily_activity, sleep_day, by=c("id", "date"))

daily_activity <- daily_activity %>%
mutate(date = as_date(date, format = "%d-%m-%y"))

id date totalsteps totaldistance trackerdistance loggedactivitiesdistance

1 1503960366 NA 13162 8.5 8.5 0
2 1503960366 NA 10735 6.97 6.97 0
3 1503960366 NA 10460 6.74 6.74 0
4 1503960366 NA 9762 6.28 6.28 0
5 1503960366 NA 12669 8.16 8.16 0
6 1503960366 NA 9705 6.48 6.48 0

:information_source: 9 more variables: veryactivedistance , moderatelyactivedistance ,

lightactivedistance , sedentaryactivedistance , veryactiveminutes ,

fairlyactiveminutes , lightlyactiveminutes , sedentaryminutes ,


Since I don't know what your original data could be, I guess this mostly caused by the format argument that passed to as_date(). Here're some examples:

> as_date("07-08-2023", format = "%D-%M-%Y")
[1] NA
Warning message:
 1 failed to parse. 

> as_date("07-08-2023", format = "%d-%m-%y")
[1] NA
Warning message:
 1 failed to parse. 

> as_date("07-08-2023", format = "%d-%m-%Y")
[1] "2023-08-07"

Cuz %M refers to the minute, and %m refers to month in 2-digit form; %D refers to the short form of date, %d refers to the day of month in 2-digit form; %Y refers to the complete 4 numbers of the year and %y refers to the last 2 numbers of the year.

Standard def. of each datetime format param can be found at

Hi @magandmore , welcome!

If you want get a good solution for this, try to put a reproducible example of your data.

See examples:


Other way is copy and paste the result of:

head(dput(daily_activity ),30) 

Thank you M_AcostaCH. Here is the reproducible example of my data.

  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                Id = c(1503960366,1503960366,
      ActivityDate = c("12-Apr-2016","13-Apr-2016",
        TotalSteps = c(13162,10735,10460,9762,
     TotalDistance = c(8.5,6.96999979,6.739999771,
daily_activity <- daily_activity %>%
  mutate(ActivityDate = as_date(date, format = "%d-%m-%y"))

I get the below message when i run the mutate function above but i have installed and loaded the dplyr package. When it worked in a previous work session, my date column was N/A all through. Please help :cry:

:information_source: In argument: ActivityDate = as_date(date, format = "%d-%m-%y").
Caused by error in as.Date.default():
! do not know how to convert 'x' to class “Date”

Change this to: format = "%d-%b-%y"

Try with this: as.Date()

daily_activity <- daily_activity %>%
  mutate(ActivityDate_2 = as.Date(ActivityDate , format = "%d-%b-%Y"))

Thank you so much. It worked. I'm super grateful.

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