Dealing with values occurring in the same date

How do find values that occur on the same date between two different columns in the same dataframe. Delete the values occurring in A01_CD columns and replace it with NA. And in cases where A01_CD has values, it should be moved to A01 and NA should be placed in A01. I have been trying to used duplicate () and Unique () and ifelse, but I am failing. Kindly assist.

My dataframe
Date A01 A01_CD
1 1966/05/07 4.870000 4.870
2 1966/05/08 4.918333 NA
3 1966/05/09 4.892000 4.860
4 1966/05/10 4.858917 NA
5 1966/05/11 4.842000 NA
211 1967/03/18 NA 5.95

Desired Outcome
Date A01 A01_CD
1 1966/05/07 4.870000 NA
2 1966/05/08 4.918333 NA
3 1966/05/09 4.892000 NA
4 1966/05/10 4.858917 NA
5 1966/05/11 4.842000 NA
211 1967/03/18 5.95 NA

Is this what you are looking for?

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
DF <- data.frame(A01 = c(4.87, 4.91, 4.89, 4.85, 4.84, NA),
              A01_CD = c(4.87, NA, 4.86, NA, NA, 5.95))
#>    A01 A01_CD
#> 1 4.87   4.87
#> 2 4.91     NA
#> 3 4.89   4.86
#> 4 4.85     NA
#> 5 4.84     NA
#> 6   NA   5.95
DF <- DF %>% mutate(A01 = ifelse(, A01_CD, A01),
                    A01_CD =NA)
#>    A01 A01_CD
#> 1 4.87     NA
#> 2 4.91     NA
#> 3 4.89     NA
#> 4 4.85     NA
#> 5 4.84     NA
#> 6 5.95     NA

Created on 2020-09-19 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

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Yes, Thank you :grinning:

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