deploy on ERROR shinymanager

This its my firts question in the ghroup so hope to be clear.
I cant deploy a dashboard in shinyapps adding shinymanager and keyring; when run it in local desktop works fine, but when deploy to shinyapps: display the security screen; type de user and password and the server cut out the sesion and logout asking to reload .

the logs in shinyapp show the error :

Warning in default_backend_auto() :
** Selecting ‘env’ backend. Secrets are stored in environment variables**
** Warning: Error in b_env_get: Cannot find password**
13: runApp
12: fn
** 5: eval**
** 7: connect$retry**
6: eval>

File ui.R

ui <- fluidPage(

tags$h2("My secure application"),

ui <- secure_app(enable_admin = TRUE,


title      = "Tablero de Indicadores",
navbar     = selector_fechas,
sidebar    = menu_izquierda,
controlbar = menu_derecha, 
body       = menu_cuerpo,
footer     = bs4DashFooter(),
enable_preloader = TRUE


File server.R
the variables servicio and usuario are in the yml file

shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {

res_auth <- secure_server(
check_credentials = check_credentials("database.sqlite",
passphrase = key_get(dw$servicio,dw$usuario))


output$auth_output <- renderPrint({
...... rest of aplication