Deploy R dashboard application in server


I have one web application developed in R language and I want to deploy it to server. What are the software need in the deployment server to run the application?

If you are talking about a shiny app, then you would need to have installed R, shiny-server, shiny package, and all the packages that you use for your application. has a nice pattern for deploying applications and has a free tier, but it is a hosted service and not on-premise. So it all depends on what you are shooting to do.

If you're in an enterprise environment, RStudio Connect has a nice pattern for deploying applications as well (this is a paid professional product designed for enterprise teams). Otherwise, as @andresrcs mentioned, Shiny Server Open Source can be a nice fit for hosting Shiny applications in an open source paradigm. In this approach, you have to do the work he described yourself of reproducing your R version, packages, etc.

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