Deprecation of TLSv1.0 and 1.1

In order to continue to provide a secure service, we will be disabling support for the use of the TLSv1.0 and 1.1 protocols with our API on 10/15/2019.

The 0.8.15 version of the rsconnect package switched the default implementation for HTTP to use the curl package, which has good cross platform support for TLSv1.2. As such, starting on, or shortly after, 9/9/2019 we will require the use of rsconnect 0.8.15 or newer when interacting with Users of older versions, or of the long deprecated shinyapps package, will receive an error message indicating that they must update.

Once TLSv1.0 and 1.1 are disabled on 10/15/2019, users of older versions of rsconnect may experience protocol errors and not see the error message indicating the update is required.

This information is also reflected by two maintenance items on the status page.

My apologies for some confusion, as I created the maintenance for requiring rsconnect 0.8.15 as being between 9/9 and 9/11, and originally referenced 9/16 here. The correct time frame is that in the maintenance ticket and the rsconnect requirement will go into effect later today.