DescTools package installation

Please Help. After installing the latest Rstudio version because I had no terminal on the previous one, I now have issues with DescTools:

I got:
Warning in install.packages :
package ‘DescTool’ is not available (for R version 3.5.1)

As far as I am aware DescTools shoud be available on 3.5.0 or greater, and there is no update available under Help>Check for updates

Are you looking for DescTools with an s ?

DescTool is not a CRAN package I think.

The install package pane in RStudio IDE can help you find your package as it has auto completion when you search.

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Thanks for repying so quickly. I tried both via Rstudio and Crane to no avail. However I found the real issue: Rgui had to be updated after updating Rstudio. That took me through further dependencies issues and library missing or requiring updates. I am amidst it and fighting to get it back to normal. Thanks

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