Devtools::release ignores release_questions when package is not loaded

Dear all, I recently read on the help page of devtools::release() that:

You can add arbitrary extra questions by defining an (un-exported) function called release_questions() that returns a character vector of additional questions to ask.

Hence, I tried to code such a function, but I think that, by default, the extra questions are ignored by devtools::release(). I tried to develop a super small reprex with an R package (no real function but release_questions), and it's saved here. When I run devtools::release() inside that project (no package loaded) and answer all questions, I see that the extra question are ignored. Moreover, when I run the function devtools:::find_release_questions() inside the project, I get character(0).

On the other hand, after installing and loading the package, I get the extra question via devtools::release() and devtools:::find_release_questions(). Does it mean that I have to load the package before running devtools::release() to get the extra questions? Or is there a bug in the function?

Solved here.

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