Difficult to understand Ardl bound test functions.

Error in ardl bound(fit = read_exchange_rate, formula = lex ~ lin + : could not find function "ardlbound" rstudio.
After running rstudio, I have got the above error. What is the correct function of ARDL bound test? Please help in this regard.

R is case sensitive and the function name is ardlBound(). Also, make sure you have loaded the package before using the function (i.e. library(dLagM)).

If you need more specific help, please provide a proper REPRoducible EXample (reprex) illustrating your issue.

I couldn't run ardlDlm code run in the rstudio. It may be wrongly written.

data = (stata_exchange_rate)

x <- ardlDlm ( data = stata_exchange_rate , formula = lex ~ lin + lint P = 2, q = 2)
summary (x)
Same way I couldn't run ARDLbound test for exchange rate determination with Multiple independent variables.

data = (stata_exchange_rate)

x <- "ardlBound" ( data = stata_exchange_rate , formula = lex ~ lin + lint P = 2, q = 2)

Any good books for regression and ARDL ,ARDL bound test run in rstudio, especially R code functions formulated correct order.