Distill website: navbar icons disappear before the hamburger icon appears

For a distill website, I have several navbar links across the top, and on smaller screens the navbar links disappear. My issue is that the navbar links disappear before the hamburger button appears. The issue if for new visitors to the site, they don't know how to navigate the site.

My question is: how can I fix the collapse behavior of the links on the navbar? I have found threads mentioning bootstrap collapse (e.g., javascript - Bootstrap Collapse not Collapsing - Stack Overflow ). I have jquery in my site_libs folder of _site. Any ideas?

PS - I'd share the site, but it's hosted internally at my work.

Can you open an issue in distill so that we can try adjusting the CSS to make that work ?

Bootstrap is not used in distill I think. So a Bootstrap CSS solution won't work.

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