Double-label x-axis

Hello guys,

I need help with labeling the x-axis of my barplot. I used "names.arg" for showing the years of the values, but I also want to show the names of the different barplots. I would need a second layer of "names.arg" to show the names, but I haven't found a function to do it.

quotenDE<-c(27.67097, 27.98674, 41.27499, 37.12439 ,44.32205, 46.22212, 43.76696 ,47.14954)
quotenDEMIGRA<-c(18.76790 ,20.40880 ,27.84180, 25.03935, 32.47452, 37.10825 ,34.26004 ,46.01934)
quotenAusland<-c(13.35735, 18.02211, 24.23222 ,21.30554, 23.74047, 23.48691, 27.96400, 38.82470)
jahre2<-c("2003", "2007", "2007" ,"2010", "2012", "2014", "2016" ,"2018")

Migraquoten<-cbind(quotenDE, quotenDEMIGRA, quotenAusland)
JahreMigra<-cbind(jahre2, jahre2,jahre2)
        col=c('lightblue', 'lightblue', "cyan4", "cyan4", "cyan4", "cyan4", "cyan4", "cyan4"),   
        ylab="Beteiligung in %",
        main="Berufsbezogene Weiterbildung in Deutschland 2003-2018 nach Migrationshintergrund",
        cex.axis = 0.8, cex.names = 0.7)
text(MIGRA, Migraquoten-2, round(Migraquoten, 1), col = "black", cex=0.6)
legend("topleft", c("BSW", "AES"), pch=15, col=c("lightblue", "cyan4"),
       cex=1.3, bty = "n", y.intersp = 1)

Thank you in advance.

Because I can only add one picture in the post I have to make a reply.

I want to have it like this:

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Hi Pumpernickel,

I've used a slightly different approach and use the facet_wrap()function to split the 3 groups of quoten in 3 plots.

However, it's important to note that I use the ggplot2 package, which is part of


migra_quoten <- tibble(quotenDE = c(27.67097, 27.98674, 41.27499, 37.12439 ,44.32205, 46.22212, 43.76696 ,47.14954),
                       quotenDEMIGRA = c(18.76790 ,20.40880 ,27.84180, 25.03935, 32.47452, 37.10825 ,34.26004 ,46.01934),
                       quotenAusland = c(13.35735, 18.02211, 24.23222 ,21.30554, 23.74047, 23.48691, 27.96400, 38.82470),
                       jahre2 = c("2003", "2005", "2007" ,"2010", "2012", "2014", "2016" ,"2018"),

df <- migra_quoten %>% 
  pivot_longer(starts_with("quoten"), names_to = "quoten", values_to = "beteiligung") %>%
  ## change the `quoten` values from shortname to more descriptive values  
  mutate(quoten = case_when(quoten == "quotenDE" ~ "Deutsch ohne Migrationshintergrund",
                            quoten == "quotenDEMIGRA" ~ "Deutsch mit Migrationshintergrund",
                            TRUE ~ "Ausländer"
                            ) %>% 
           ## this changes the order of the plots: 
           ## with `fct_inorder` it's dependant on the ordering of the rows
df %>% 
  ggplot(aes(jahre2, beteiligung, fill = beteiligung)) +
  geom_col() +
  facet_wrap(~ quoten) +
  labs(title = "Berufsbezogene Weiterbildung in Deutschland 2003-2018 nach Migrationshintergrund",
       x = "",
       y = "Beteiligung in %"
       ) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 1),
        legend.position = "none"

Created on 2021-02-15 by the reprex package (v1.0.0)

First of all, I changed the dataset class from matrix to a data.frame and made sure (with pivot_longer()) that every observation is on a separate row.
Then, the mutate() function is used to rename the 'quoten shortnames' and change the column into a factor type.

The coloring of the plots with fill= is controlled from the beteiliging column, but if you add an extra column for the BSW and AES values and modify the line legend.position= value, you should be able to finalize it.

I hope this helps you forward.

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Thank you very much!! I really appreciate your effort to help me.

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