Download the output of Shiny with the Download button

I would like to modify an image in Shiny and then be able to download the result.
I figured out how to add the download button but I did not figurate out how to download the modified image.
Below there is an example, which downloads the placeholder image but not the modified image.
I suppose that the function:

plotImage <- function(){plot(image) }

should be different.

Example modified from

ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Magick Shiny Demo"),
      fileInput("upload", "Upload new image", accept = c('image/png', 'image/jpeg')),
      textInput("size", "Size", value = "500x500!"),
      sliderInput("rotation", "Rotation", 0, 360, 0),
      sliderInput("blur", "Blur", 0, 20, 0),
      sliderInput("implode", "Implode", -1, 1, 0, step = 0.01),
      checkboxGroupInput("effects", "Effects",
                         choices = list("edge", "charcoal", "negate", "flip", "flop")),
      downloadButton('downloadImage', 'Download modified image')

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # Start with placeholder img
  image <- image_read("")
  # When uploading new image
  observeEvent(input$upload, {
    if (length(input$upload$datapath))
      image <<- image_convert(image_read(input$upload$datapath), "jpeg")
    info <- image_info(image)
    updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, "effects", selected = "")
    updateTextInput(session, "size", value = paste0(info$width, "x", info$height, "!"))
  # A plot of fixed size
  output$img <- renderImage({
    # Boolean operators
    if("edge" %in% input$effects)
      image <- image_edge(image)
    if("charcoal" %in% input$effects)
      image <- image_charcoal(image)
    if("negate" %in% input$effects)
      image <- image_negate(image)    
    if("flip" %in% input$effects)
      image <- image_flip(image)
    if("flop" %in% input$effects)
      image <- image_flop(image)
    # Numeric operators
    tmpfile <- image %>%
      image_resize(input$size) %>%
      image_implode(input$implode) %>%
      image_blur(input$blur, input$blur) %>%
      image_rotate(input$rotation) %>%
      image_write(tempfile(fileext='jpg'), format = 'jpg')
    # Return a list
    list(src = tmpfile, contentType = "image/jpeg")
  plotImage <- function(){plot(image) }
  output$downloadImage <- downloadHandler(
    filename = "Modified_image.png",
    content = function(file) {

shinyApp(ui, server)

I would try to break the application logic up as you want access to an intermediate value. I've added comments with ## in the code below. (Only changed the server function)


ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Magick Shiny Demo"),
      fileInput("upload", "Upload new image", accept = c('image/png', 'image/jpeg')),
      textInput("size", "Size", value = "500x500!"),
      sliderInput("rotation", "Rotation", 0, 360, 0),
      sliderInput("blur", "Blur", 0, 20, 0),
      sliderInput("implode", "Implode", -1, 1, 0, step = 0.01),
      checkboxGroupInput("effects", "Effects",
                         choices = list("edge", "charcoal", "negate", "flip", "flop")),
      downloadButton('downloadImage', 'Download modified image')

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # Start with placeholder img
  imageLoc <- reactiveVal("")
  ## convert the img location to an img value
  imageVal <- reactive({
    image_convert(image_read(imageLoc()), "jpeg")
  # When uploading new image
  observeEvent(input$upload, {
    if (length(input$upload$datapath)) {
      ## set the image location
    updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, "effects", selected = "")

  ## if the image information ever updates, set the info values
    info <- image_info(imageVal())
    updateTextInput(session, "size", value = paste0(info$width, "x", info$height, "!"))

  updatedImageLoc <- reactive({
    ## retrieve the imageVal
    image <- imageVal()
    # Boolean operators
    if("edge" %in% input$effects)
      image <- image_edge(image)
    if("charcoal" %in% input$effects)
      image <- image_charcoal(image)
    if("negate" %in% input$effects)
      image <- image_negate(image)    
    if("flip" %in% input$effects)
      image <- image_flip(image)
    if("flop" %in% input$effects)
      image <- image_flop(image)
    # Numeric operators
    tmpfile <- image %>%
      image_resize(input$size) %>%
      image_implode(input$implode) %>%
      image_blur(input$blur, input$blur) %>%
      image_rotate(input$rotation) %>%
      image_write(tempfile(fileext='jpg'), format = 'jpg')

    ## return only the tmp file location
  # A plot of fixed size
  output$img <- renderImage(
      # Return a list
      list(src = updatedImageLoc(), contentType = "image/jpeg")
    deleteFile = FALSE

  output$downloadImage <- downloadHandler(
    filename = "Modified_image.jpeg",
    contentType = "image/jpeg",
    content = function(file) {
      ## copy the file from the updated image location to the final download location
      file.copy(updatedImageLoc(), file)

shinyApp(ui, server)

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Thank you, it works nicely

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