Downloading 'baseballr' package

I am currently having trouble downloading the 'baseballr' package.
Installing package into ‘C:/Users/Documents/R/win-library/3.5’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
Warning in install.packages :
package ‘baseballr’ is not available (for R version 3.5.1)

I checked and my R studio is updated to the most current form. Any thoughts?

The package is available on github:

The instructions there say to use:

# install.packages("devtools")
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Thanks for responding.

I ran those lines of code.

Downloading GitHub repo BillPetti/baseballr@master
These packages have more recent versions available.
Which would you like to update?

 1:   BH         (1.66.0-1 -> 1.69.0-1) [CRAN]
 2:   broom      (0.5.1    -> 0.5.2   ) [CRAN]
 3:   checkmate  (1.9.1    -> 1.9.3   ) [CRAN]
 4:   cli        (1.0.1    -> 1.1.0   ) [CRAN]
 5:   clipr      (0.5.0    -> 0.6.0   ) [CRAN]
 6:   colorspace (1.4-0    -> 1.4-1   ) [CRAN]
 7:   data.table (1.12.0   -> 1.12.2  ) [CRAN]
 8:   dplyr      (  -> 0.8.1   ) [CRAN]
 9:   glue       (1.3.0    -> 1.3.1   ) [CRAN]
10:   gtable     (0.2.0    -> 0.3.0   ) [CRAN]
11:   hexbin     (1.27.2   -> 1.27.3  ) [CRAN]
12:   highr      (0.7      -> 0.8     ) [CRAN]
13:   httpuv     (  -> 1.5.1   ) [CRAN]
14:   igraph     (1.2.4    -> ) [CRAN]
15:   knitr      (1.22     -> 1.23    ) [CRAN]
16:   lazyeval   (0.2.1    -> 0.2.2   ) [CRAN]
17:   openssl    (1.2.2    -> 1.3     ) [CRAN]
18:   pillar     (1.3.1    -> 1.4.0   ) [CRAN]
19:   purrr      (0.2.5    -> 0.3.2   ) [CRAN]
20:   quantmod   (0.4-13   -> 0.4-14  ) [CRAN]
21:   R6         (2.2.2    -> 2.4.0   ) [CRAN]
22:   Rcpp       (1.0.0    -> 1.0.1   ) [CRAN]
23:   rlang      (0.3.1    -> 0.3.4   ) [CRAN]
24:   rstudioapi (0.9.0    -> 0.10    ) [CRAN]
25:   rvest      (0.3.2    -> 0.3.4   ) [CRAN]
26:   shiny      (1.2.0    -> 1.3.2   ) [CRAN]
27:   stringi    (1.3.1    -> 1.4.3   ) [CRAN]
28:   sys        (3.1      -> 3.2     ) [CRAN]
29:   tibble     (2.0.1    -> 2.1.1   ) [CRAN]
30:   CRAN packages only
31:   All
32:   None
Enter one or more numbers separated by spaces, or an empty line to cancel
1: 31

I selected all to be updated and the downloading finished. However, baseballr still does not exist on my lists of packages.

What happens if you repeat the command


It eventually worked. Thanks for your help.

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