dplyr error - works fine with excell import but doesn't with db import

Can you please check whether this code works for you or not?

result <- merged.comments %>% 
  mutate(Blank = ifelse(test = (is.na(x = merged.comments$all_comment)),yes = 1,
                        no = ifelse((test = (str_length(string = merged.comments$all_comment) < 5) | (str_detect(string = all_comment,pattern = blank_statements))|(str_detect(all_comment, "(.)\\1{3,}"))),yes = 1,no = 0)),
         As_above = if_else(str_detect(all_comment, previous_statements), 1, 0),
         Blank_AComm_1 = ifelse(test = (is.na(x = merged.comments$AComm_1)),yes = 1,
                        no = ifelse((test = (str_length(string = merged.comments$AComm_1) < 5) | (str_detect(string = AComm_1,pattern = blank_statements))|(str_detect(AComm_1, "(.)\\1{3,}"))),yes = 1,no = 0)),
         As_above_AComm_1 = if_else(str_detect(AComm_1, previous_statements), 1, 0)) %>% 
  mutate_if(is.numeric, ~ifelse(is.na(.), 0, .))

The only change I made is that I changed if_else to ifelse, as it seemed to me that the last line is creating the problem because of strict type requirements of if_else.

If this does not work, can you please provide a REPRoducible EXample of your problem? It provides more specifics of your problem, and it helps others to understand what problem you are facing.

If you don't know how to do it, take a look at this thread: