Dynamically generated drop down list for multiple fields from postgresql

I am a beginner to R programming. I am converting the previously hard corded lists to dynamic list for multiple fields from postgresql.
Here is my requirement:
-connect to db

  • get the values from the table
    (Table: list_of_val
    columns: param_name, param_value
    Filter by param_name, I plan to change the WHERE param_name = 'xxxxx' for each field)
    -populate the values for the drop down list, for all the fields.

I am not clear on my approach and not sure where I am making the mistake. Part of my code is below.

con <-
dbname = db,
host = host_db,
port = db_port,
user = db_user,
password = db_password

Querying Database to get the values

SBU_list <- "SELECT v.param_value
load_from_s3.list_of_val v
param_name = 'SBU'
ORDER BY param_value ASC"

data = dbGetQuery(con, SBU_list)

updateSelectInput(session, "filter_sbu", choices = SBU_list)

Thanks in advance

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