Edit source code

Hello friends,

I would like to know if it is possible to edit the source code of a function. For example, I would like to insert the standard deviation (SD) into the summmary function. The function shows just minumum, maximum, mean, median, first (25%) and third (75%) quartiles. Is it possible to change the source code?

Thank you very much!

You can create your own functions and overwrite the base functions, you could also fork a package modify the source and make your own version, but strictly speaking you can't modify the original one, unless you propose a change to the source code, but overwriting them has the same practical effect

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Could you explain to me how you could do this in the best way?

Another point is how can I see the actual source code of the summary function, for example? Is there a specific command that I can use in the R software to see this information?

Just define a function with the same name, and it will overwrite the base function.

summary <- function(x) {

Just type the name of the function in the console without parentheses, in the case of summary() this is a little more complex since it applies a different method depending on the class of object that is being passed to it, but for example, this is what you get for the data.frame method.

#> function (object, maxsum = 7L, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 
#>     3L), ...) 
#> {
#>     ncw <- function(x) {
#>         z <- nchar(x, type = "w")
#>         if (any(na <- is.na(z))) {
#>             z[na] <- nchar(encodeString(z[na]), "b")
#>         }
#>         z
#>     }
#>     z <- lapply(X = as.list(object), FUN = summary, maxsum = maxsum, 
#>         digits = 12L, ...)
#>     nv <- length(object)
#>     nm <- names(object)
#>     lw <- numeric(nv)
#>     nr <- if (nv) 
#>         max(vapply(z, function(x) NROW(x) + !is.null(attr(x, 
#>             "NAs")), integer(1)))
#>     else 0
#>     for (i in seq_len(nv)) {
#>         sms <- z[[i]]
#>         if (is.matrix(sms)) {
#>             cn <- paste(nm[i], gsub("^ +", "", colnames(sms), 
#>                 useBytes = TRUE), sep = ".")
#>             tmp <- format(sms)
#>             if (nrow(sms) < nr) 
#>                 tmp <- rbind(tmp, matrix("", nr - nrow(sms), 
#>                   ncol(sms)))
#>             sms <- apply(tmp, 1L, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "  "))
#>             wid <- sapply(tmp[1L, ], nchar, type = "w")
#>             blanks <- paste(character(max(wid)), collapse = " ")
#>             wcn <- ncw(cn)
#>             pad0 <- floor((wid - wcn)/2)
#>             pad1 <- wid - wcn - pad0
#>             cn <- paste0(substring(blanks, 1L, pad0), cn, substring(blanks, 
#>                 1L, pad1))
#>             nm[i] <- paste(cn, collapse = "  ")
#>         }
#>         else {
#>             sms <- format(sms, digits = digits)
#>             lbs <- format(names(sms))
#>             sms <- paste0(lbs, ":", sms, "  ")
#>             lw[i] <- ncw(lbs[1L])
#>             length(sms) <- nr
#>         }
#>         z[[i]] <- sms
#>     }
#>     if (nv) {
#>         z <- unlist(z, use.names = TRUE)
#>         dim(z) <- c(nr, nv)
#>         if (anyNA(lw)) 
#>             warning("probably wrong encoding in names(.) of column ", 
#>                 paste(which(is.na(lw)), collapse = ", "))
#>         blanks <- paste(character(max(lw, na.rm = TRUE) + 2L), 
#>             collapse = " ")
#>         pad <- floor(lw - ncw(nm)/2)
#>         nm <- paste0(substring(blanks, 1, pad), nm)
#>         dimnames(z) <- list(rep.int("", nr), nm)
#>     }
#>     else {
#>         z <- character()
#>         dim(z) <- c(nr, nv)
#>     }
#>     attr(z, "class") <- c("table")
#>     z
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x5644827429c8>
#> <environment: namespace:base>

I understand better now. Thanks for the answers.

One more thing, as I said earlier, the summary function shows minimum, maximum, mean, median, first (25%) and third (75%) quartiles. However, observing the summary.data.frame that you presented, I did not identify the code that addresses the aspects of media, median, first quartile, among others.
Would you have any suggestions for me?

Thanks again.

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