Enable Navigation Symbols in Beamer

Hello everyone, I am new to R Markdown. But used a bit of LaTeX in past. One thing I noticed, that the beamer pdfs created using .Rmd don't have the "navigation symbols" the latex beamers have by default. Is there any easy way to enable them? (Sorry if I'm being too naive :slight_smile: )

I've been able to achieve this, albeit a bit clunkily.

title: 'Title'
author: 'Author'
date: February 02, 2022
fontsize: 12pt
header-includes: |
  \AtBeginDocument{\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}[horizontal]}  

## Section

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But is there any easier way?
Marked as solved as for now ...

You can add in your header

navigation: horizontal # or vertical or frame

Like this

title: 'Title'
author: 'Author'
date: February 02, 2022
  beamer_presentation: default
fontsize: 12pt
navigation: horizontal 

## Section


Documented directly in Pandoc documentation: Pandoc - Pandoc User’s Guide

This should work as expected.


Thanks a lot @cderv
Also (out of context), is there any option to enable separate titlepage (with no page number) in pdf_document?

Don't know about that. You can open a new question in the community and we can discuss. Mainly : how would you do that in LaTeX and then maybe there is something built in in Pandoc.

Maybe not useful but the default LaTeX template used is this one: pandoc/data/templates/default.latex at master · jgm/pandoc · GitHub

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