EPI-interactive’s Cookie Explorer - 2020 Shiny Contest Submission

EPI-interactive’s Cookie Explorer

Authors: Uli Muellner, Petra Muellner, Liang Yang, Shanna Tervoort-McLeod, Chet Wijesekera
Working with Shiny more than 1 year

Abstract: An R Shiny application for tracking your treats and exercises over the Christmas period. We created this app for our clients for Christmas and it shows how you can custom-theme sliders and other UI elements. It also demonstrates how you can blend in images based on reactive values and add hovers to it. Use the Cookie Explorer to track how many Christmas treats you’ve had, and how much exercise you’ve done to balance out your sweet treats!

Full Description: The Cookie Explorer is a fun and festive Shiny application which allows you to keep track of your Christmas treats and exercises over the holiday period.

There are two main inputs to the Cookie Explorer – Christmas Treats and Exercises. These are used to keep track of your Christmas activities.

Custom treats and exercises can also be added to the explorer, allowing these to be tracked as well, by entering a name, calorie value and initial count. These custom inputs also come with their own Christmas themed icons.


While the application works, you’ll be treated to a cartwheeling Santa Claus to keep you entertained.

Once the calculations are done, you’ll be able to see a list of your treats and exercises, as well as a graph to show you how you’re tracking. If you’ve had too many treats, Santa will encourage you to get in some more exercise. Otherwise, you’re good to keep on eating!

The Cookie Explorer was developed to demonstrate the power of custom theming in Shiny applications. As such, nearly all elements of the application have been customised to fit the Christmas theme.

We hope you enjoy our submission!
From the team at EPI-interactive.

Category: Other
Keywords: Cookies, Theming, Reactivity, Fun
Shiny app: https://shiny.epi-interactive.com/cookie-explorer
Repo: GitHub - epi-interactive/Custom_Theming: An R Shiny application for tracking your treats and exercises over the Christmas period.
RStudio Cloud: None


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