Error: cannot allocate vector of size 196.1 Mb In addition: Warning message:

Any suggestion to overcome this error

Error: cannot allocate vector of size 196.1 Mb
In addition: Warning message:
In create2GDAL(dataset = dataset, drivername = drivername, type = type, :
mvFlag=NA unsuitable for type Byte

I'm not 100% sure, but it's possible that you don't have enough RAM to run the model.

Also, how many variables are in your model? When I've gotten that error, it's when I'm trying to fit a huge model with many (dozens or hundreds) of variables.

And I doubt it'll do much, but try running gc() (garbage clean-up). that may help things.

I am trying to composite images in landsatlinkr. there are many images. i hope that would be the reason. I will try with your suggestion.

I am just a fresher for R and I am unaware on these all stuff.

This error appears when R does not have enough memory to continue the operation. Your data seems to take all your available memory. Via your OS, redo the operation and watch your memory usage.

You mention that "there are many images", perhaps you don't need to keep them all in memory to perform this operation?

Here's a doc on CRAN on Memory Limits in R.

I am not sure if you can give us a reproducible example (reprex) of your issue as a starting point, but an outline of what your code is doing might be useful to folks here giving advice on how to avoid taking up so much memory.