error importing xlsx from github with rio


I want to import excel file from github, but there is problem:

how can I solve it?


Could you copy and paste the link?

Indeed I want to run Shiny App with following code:

shiny::runGitHub('Stage-Migration-', 'L-1996-G')

but there is following error:

I think this error is because in my shiny app code import data locally:

dt = read_excel('migration.xlsx')

And I want to change this code and import data from github.

Thank in advance :slight_smile: :handshake:

Okay, I thought as much. Unfortunately, this is an Excel file, so you cannot read it while it is hosted on Github. However, if you convert it to a csv file, then you will be able to do it.

In case you don't know how to convert an Excel file to a csv file, it is fairly easy. Open your Excel file, then go to "Save as" in the "File" menu, then save it as a csv (comma-separated value).

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