error in calculating rowsum of column having NA values

while calculating rowsum if both the column have values but getting error what i am doing wrong

df <- data.frame("T_1_1"= c(68,NA,0,105,NA,0,135,NA,24),
                 "S_2_3"= c(150,0,NA,121,NA,78,109,NA,0),
                 "T_1_0"= c(79,0,0,NA,98,NA,15,NA,2)
df <- df %>% mutate(x1 = ifelse( &,NA,rowSums(c(T_1_1,S_2_1),na.rm = TRUE)))
Error: Problem with `mutate()` input `x1`.
x 'x' must be an array of at least two dimensions
i Input `x1` is `ifelse(...)`.


T_1_1 S_2_1 x1
68 69 137
NA 67 67
0 94 94
105 0 105
0 136 136
135 NA 135
NA 92 92
24 73 97

The c() function returns a one dimensional vector and that is causing the error. Here are two alternatives.

df <- df %>% mutate(x1 = ifelse( &,NA,
                                rowSums(cbind(T_1_1,S_2_1),na.rm = TRUE)))

df <- df %>% rowwise() %>%  
  mutate(x1 = sum(T_1_1,S_2_1,na.rm = TRUE))
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