Error in CPL_transform(x, crs, aoi, pipeline, reverse, desired_accuracy, : crs not found: is it missing?

  uber_trip_data <-
  uber_data %>% 
  select(-`Date.Time`, -Base) %>% 
  st_as_sf(coords = c("Lon", "Lat"), crs = 4326) %>%
  st_transform(crs = 102003) %>% 
  st_coordinates() %>%

This is the error i get :

"Error in CPL_transform(x, crs, aoi, pipeline, reverse, desired_accuracy, : crs not found: is it missing? In addition: Warning message: In CPL_crs_from_input(x) : GDAL Error 1: PROJ: proj_create_from_database: crs not found"

I tried looking everywhere for this but none of them actually helped. It just gives me a new error each time. I tried using crs = "ERSI:4326" but that doesn't work as well. I dont know what seems to be the problem.

Looks like an install issue. Depending on your operating system there might be different things to try. One of them would be to try to reinstall sf. If you are on ubuntu, make sure you use ubuntugis unstable.

For the benefit of posterity: the issue has been resolved in a cross post on "the other site" r - Error in st_transform.sfc(st_geometry(x), crs, ...) : cannot transform sfc object with missing crs - Stack Overflow

The root cause of the problem was formatting of the CRS argument. A number is OK for EPSG standardized Coordinate Reference Systems. When using standards set by another authority - such as ESRI in this case - it may be necessary to include the authority name as a string, such as st_transform(crs = "ESRI:102003"),

When in doubt it is a good idea to check with

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