"Error in curl...Connection timed out"

Has worked previously. Disabled firewall without success. I am not using manually defined proxy server for internet.


Fetching NASDAQ symbols...
Error in curl::curl_download(nasdaq.url, destfile = tmp) : 
  Timeout was reached: [] Connection timed out after 10000 milliseconds

> sessionInfo()
R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 8.1 x64 (build 9600)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.1252 
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United Kingdom.1252   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United Kingdom.1252
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                           
[5] LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.1252    
system code page: 1257

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] httr_1.4.2 TTR_0.24.2

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] zoo_1.8-9         compiler_4.0.5    R6_2.5.0          cli_2.4.0        
 [5] tools_4.0.5       withr_2.4.2       glue_1.4.2        xts_0.12.1       
 [9] curl_4.3          grid_4.0.5        lattice_0.20-41   sessioninfo_1.1.1
> stockSymbols
function (exchange = c("AMEX", "NASDAQ", "NYSE", 
    "ARCA", "BATS", "IEX"), sort.by = c("Exchange", 
    "Symbol"), quiet = FALSE) 
    symbols.colnames <- c("Symbol", "Name", "LastSale", 
        "MarketCap", "IPOyear", "Sector", "Industry", 
        "Exchange", "Test.Issue", "Round.Lot.Size", 
        "ETF", "Market.Category", "Financial.Status", 
        "Next.Shares", "ACT.Symbol", "CQS.Symbol")
    exchange <- match.arg(exchange, several.ok = TRUE)
    sort.by <- match.arg(sort.by, symbols.colnames, several.ok = TRUE)
    nasdaq.colnames <- c("Symbol", "Security.Name", 
        "Market.Category", "Test.Issue", "Financial.Status", 
        "Round.Lot.Size", "ETF", "NextShares")
    .market.category <- c(Q = "NASDAQ Global Select MarketSM", 
        G = "NASDAQ Global MarketSM", S = "NASDAQ Capital Market")
    other.colnames <- c("ACT.Symbol", "Security.Name", 
        "Exchange", "CQS.Symbol", "ETF", "Round.Lot.Size", 
        "Test.Issue", "NASDAQ.Symbol")
    .exchange <- c(A = "AMEX", N = "NYSE", P = "ARCA", 
        Z = "BATS", V = "IEX")
    .financial.status <- c(D = "Deficient", E = "Delinquent", 
        Q = "Bankrupt", N = "Normal (Default)", G = "Deficient and Bankrupt", 
        H = "Deficient and Delinquent", J = "Delinquent and Bankrupt", 
        K = "Deficient, Delinquent, and Bankrupt")
    tmp <- tempfile()
    base.url <- "ftp://ftp.nasdaqtrader.com/SymbolDirectory/"
    nasdaq.url <- paste0(base.url, "nasdaqlisted.txt")
    other.url <- paste0(base.url, "otherlisted.txt")
    nasdaq <- NULL
    if ("NASDAQ" %in% exchange) {
        if (!quiet) {
            message("Fetching NASDAQ symbols...")
        curl::curl_download(nasdaq.url, destfile = tmp)
        nasdaq <- read.table(tmp, header = TRUE, sep = "|", 
            quote = "", fill = TRUE)
        nasdaq$Name <- nasdaq$Security.Name
        nasdaq$Exchange <- "NASDAQ"
        nasdaq[, setdiff(symbols.colnames, colnames(nasdaq))] <- NA
        nasdaq <- nasdaq[, symbols.colnames]
        nasdaq$Market.Category <- .market.category[nasdaq$Market.Category]
        nasdaq$Financial.Status <- .financial.status[nasdaq$Financial.Status]
    other <- NULL
    if (length(exchange) > 1L) {
        if (!quiet) {
            message("Fetching non-NASDAQ symbols...")
        curl::curl_download(other.url, destfile = tmp)
        other <- read.table(tmp, header = TRUE, sep = "|", 
            quote = "", fill = TRUE)
        other <- other[-nrow(other), ]
        other$Name <- other$Security.Name
        other$Symbol <- other$NASDAQ.Symbol
        other[, setdiff(symbols.colnames, colnames(other))] <- NA
        other$Exchange <- .exchange[other$Exchange]
        other <- other[, symbols.colnames]
    symbols <- rbind(nasdaq, other)
    symbols$NASDAQ.Symbol <- symbols$Symbol
    symbols$Symbol <- sub("-(.?)$", "-P\\1", symbols$Symbol)
    symbols$Symbol <- sub("\\.(.?)$", "-\\1", symbols$Symbol)
    symbols$Symbol <- sub("\\+(.?)$", "-WT\\1", symbols$Symbol)
    symbols$Symbol <- sub("\\=$", "-UN", symbols$Symbol)
    symbols$Symbol <- sub("\\^$", "-R", symbols$Symbol)
    symbols$ETF <- ("Y" == symbols$ETF)
    symbols$Test.Issue <- ("Y" == symbols$Test.Issue)
    symbols <- symbols[do.call("order", symbols[, sort.by]), 
    rownames(symbols) <- NULL
<bytecode: 0x09d4cbf8>
<environment: namespace:TTR>

Seemed to be temporary server issue. I was able to regain connection.

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