Error in goodness of fit test using unmarked

Hi there,

I am trying to conduct a goodness of fit test using the mb.gof.test from the unmarked package. It gives me the following error:

Error in hist.mat[j, ] <- ifelse(strip.hist == "1",[j, :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length

my code is as follows

## Canis Mesomelas Survey Template
## Richard Carkeek
## Zoology Honours Project 2020
## Relative abundance indeces
RAI_N_L <- read.csv("RAI_N_L2.csv", header = T, sep = ";", dec = ".")

## Scale Data
RAI_N_L[,1:11] <- scale(RAI_N_L[,1:11], center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)

DFRAI_N_L <- data.frame(RAI_N_L)
## Spearmans Correlation

corL = cor(DFRAI_N_L, method = "spearman")

## Remove correlated variables
# med + large prey
# megaherb
# med pred
# Human

DFRAI_N_L[,c(3, 4, 5, 7)] <- NULL

## Replace Standardized values with words for habitat and road (Potentially Camera traps as well)

DFRAI_N_L[,6] <- data.frame ("Habitat"=c ("BS",

DFRAI_N_L[,7] <- data.frame ("Road"=c ("Path",

DFRAI_N_L[,1] <- data.frame ("CT" = c ("L1",

## Import Dection Data (Collapsed Intervals)

## 4 Day interval
D4L <- read.csv("4DL.csv", header = T, sep = ";", dec = ".")

## Detection tests (Unmarked and AIC)

## Unmarked Frame 4 Days
umfL4 <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y = D4L, siteCovs = DFRAI_N_L)

fmL4 <- occu(~1~ Small_Prey + Small_Pred + Large_Pred + Habitat + Road, data = umfL4)

## This all works fine

## This is the line of code for the goodness of fit test which produces the error

RL4 <- mb.gof.test(fmL4, plot.hist = TRUE, nsim = 1000)

## The Error

> RL4 <- mb.gof.test(fmL4, plot.hist = TRUE, nsim = 1000)
Error in hist.mat[j, ] <- ifelse(strip.hist == "1",[j,  : 
  number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length

Any advice or help will be greatly appreciated, Thanks!


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