Error in optim() (list) object cannot be coerced to type 'double'

I have a problem with the calibration of a simple crop model, when using a function (composed by different elements) and the optim package for optimizing 2 parameters of the crop model ( parameters vector). For each year, the function adds a row in the data.frame when an accumulation index exceeds a threshold ( parameters[2] ).

The function model_func (attached below) works and gives the results adequately (when a set of parameters previously calibrated are used), however when I want to optimize the parameters within a range, R gives the error:

Error in optim(par = parameters, x2 = x2, fn = model_func, upper = c(parameters[1], : (list) object cannot be coerced to type 'double'

At the beginning, I inizialized model_db as a vector() which created a matrix when the results were consecutively added with the use of rbind() . In that case, I thought that the error was done because I was working with matrices. However, it also appeared when I have worked directly with dataframes.

In theory, both columns of the resulting summarizing table are numeric. Is it wrong?



Simplifying, the code is:

model_func <- function(x2, parameters)
  for (m in unique(x2[,1])) ## Where x2 is the daily meteo and the first column defines locations
    x <- subset(x2, x2[,1] == m)

    ##### Initializing data.frame and indices
    model_db <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = 0))
    colnames(model_db) <- c("Year", "Simul")
    accum_model <- 0
    cc_model <- 0

    ###### Starting model
    for(d in 1:(length(x[,1]) - 1))
      ###### Extracting of the weather database
      temp_year <- x[d, 2]
      temp_doy <- x[d, 3]
      temp_tmean <- x[d, 4]

      # Daily model accumulation
      accum_d_model <- max(temp_tmean - parameters[3], 0)

      if (temp_doy <= parameters[1])
        accum_model <- accum_d_model
        cc_model <- 0
      } else {
        accum_model <- accum_model + accum_d_model

      if(accum_model >= parameters[2] & cc_model == 0) 
        cc_model <- 1
        model_db <- model_db %>% add_row(Year = temp_year, Simul = temp_doy)

    tab_model_db <- if(m == unique(x2[,1])[1]) 
    {cbind(m, model_db[-1,])} else {rbind(tab_model_db, cbind(m, model_db[-1,]))}

  tab_model_db <- data.frame(tab_model_db)
  names(tab_model_db) <- c("Site", "Year", "Simul")

### Optimizer
  par = parameters,
  x2 = x2,
  fn = model_func,
  upper = c(parameters[1], parameters[2:3] + abs(parameters[2:3] * 0.3)), 
  lower = c(parameters[1], parameters[2:3] - abs(parameters[2:3] * 0.3)), 
  method = 'L-BFGS-B'

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