Error: 'items' is not an exported object from 'namespace:cfsales'

I have been making a very simple package that is similar in spirit to nycflights13.

It simply provides data in the form of .rda files -- no functions.

I am having a NAMESPACE problem when I run devtools::document().

the error is

Error: 'items' is not an exported object from 'namespace:cfsales'

My package is here.

I read on stackoverflow that if you delete NAMESPACE, devtools::load_all(), then devtools::document() that the problem would be fixed. I did not have any success with this.

I was hoping I could get some guidance on this error.

Could it be because the .rda is called item rather than items?

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That is an embarrassing error. I just fixed that and re-pushed. Seems like the problem is still persisting.

Okay, so I just figured it out. When I changed the name of item.rda to items.rda I just used mv item.rda items.rda, but there was some additional object renaming work that needed to be done.

items <- item                                                                                   
save(items, file = "../data/items.rda")

This came from this comment on stackoverflow

Thanks for the help @jmcvw

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