Error message: Error in GEN:N : NA/NaN argument

I got the sample code from Fitting ‘complex’ mixed models with ‘nlme’: Example #4 | R-bloggers
Here is the code:
dataset <- read.csv("",
dataset$Block <- factor(dataset$Block)

A wrong model

modNaive1 <- drm(Yield ~ DAS, fct = L.3(), data = dataset,
curveid = GEN:N,
pmodels = c( ~ 1, ~ NGEN, ~ NGEN))

Nonlinear mixed model fitting

modnlme1 <- nlme(Yield ~ nlsL.3(DAS, b, d, e), data = dataset,
random = d + e ~ 1|Block/Plot,
fixed = list(b ~ 1, d ~ NGEN, e ~ NGEN),
weights = varPower(),
start = coef(modNaive1), control = list(msMaxIter = 200))

When run
modNaive1 <- drm(Yield ~ DAS, fct = L.3(), data = dataset,
curveid = GEN:N,
pmodels = c( ~ 1, ~ NGEN, ~ NGEN))
Got error message: Error in GEN:N : NA/NaN argument

run following code:
modnlme1 <- nlme(Yield ~ nlsL.3(DAS, b, d, e), data = dataset,
random = d + e ~ 1|Block/Plot,
fixed = list(b ~ 1, d ~ NGEN, e ~ NGEN),
weights = varPower(),
start = coef(modNaive1), control = list(msMaxIter = 200))

got another error message:
Error in contr.treatment(n = 0L) : not enough degrees of freedom to define contrasts

Can anyone help solve the problem?

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