Error Message - Reading .doc within Directory


Can anybody help a pure newbie. I want to read the text in the .doc file which is called tester but I keep getting this error. Does anyone know why?


tt <-readtext(file=Tester)

Error in list_files(file, ignore_missing, TRUE, verbosity) :
File '' does not exist.

what package is that function from?

R-Studio - The Free Version


Thats not correct.
Because you didn't name the package I had to Google it and find the readtext entry on CRAN.

But anyway. What is the content of your Tester object?

Sorry about that.

I managed to get the 'tester' document read. I had put .doc instead of .docx. It worked then.

However, I am trying to do the exact same with 'cv' file which is also .docx but I get this error.

tester <-readtext(file = cv)
tester <- file.path(directory,"tester.docx")
tester <- file.path(directory,"cv.docx")
tester <-readtext(file = cv)

directory <-readtext(file = cv)
Error in readtext(file = cv) : object 'cv' not found
tester <- file.path(directory,"tester.docx")
tester <- file.path(directory,"cv.docx")
tester <-readtext(file = cv)
Error in readtext(file = cv) : object 'cv' not found

Any idea why this is happening?


You are lacking an object called cv. You probably want to assign a path to that name?

But the path is the same as the 'tester'

And the cv file is located in the directory.

How do i create this path?

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