Error - No such file or working directory


I am having the same issue. I keep receiving the pop-up: "No such file or working directory" and I cannot save. Is there still a service disruption?

Project number: 903068


The service disruption mentioned last week was reseolved, so if you are seeing this issue today, its a new problem. I don't see any obvious issues with your project, can you confirm you are still seeing the error? What are you doing immediately prior to the pop-up appearing?


Hi Sam,

My project seems to be working again. Thank you.

At the time, I was trying to export a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame as a Shapefile (rgdal::writeOGr) - could the cloud memory limit create this problem?


Glad to hear it is working again! It is very unlikely that exporting something would cause a "No such file" error, so I don't think this issue was related to anything you were doing. Let us know if you have any more issues.


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