Error while using formatstyle datatable r

I have a df as following:

                              Apr 2017   May 2017   Jun 2017   Jul 2017   Aug 2017   Sep 2017
zz                            0.1937571  0.1840005  0.1807256  0.1959589  0.2039463  0.2016886
aa                            0.3518203  0.3634578  0.3670747  0.3676495  0.3680581  0.3657724
bb                            0.10651308 0.11548379 0.11572389 0.11272168 0.11361587 0.11503638
cc                            0.2481513  0.2579199  0.2623222  0.2673914  0.2579430  0.2550686
dd                            0.06641069 0.06741159 0.07305105 0.07373854 0.07043972 0.07304338

I am trying to style the full table based on values(similar to this,[eg3].
Below is the code I have :

    brks <- reactive({ quantile(intrc_pattern(), probs = seq(0, 1, 0.25), na.rm = TRUE)})
     clrs <- reactive({ round(seq(255, 40, length.out = length(brks()) + 1), 0) %>%
     {paste0("rgb(255,", ., ",", ., ")")}})

      intrc_pattern_reshape<- reactive ({datatable(intrc_pattern_re(),options = list(searching = FALSE,pageLength = 15, lengthChange = FALSE))%>%
                                formatPercentage(colnames(intrc_pattern_re()), 2) %>%
          formatStyle(names(intrc_pattern_re()),backgroundColor = styleInterval(brks(), clrs()))

But when I do that I get the following error : non-numeric argument to binary operator

Could someone tell me what is that I am doing incorrectly? Thank you.