error with merge()

So I'm trying to merge the following two datasets:

> dput(head(org_avg_long))
structure(list(Sample = c("Initial Biomass", "Initial Biomass", 
"Initial Biomass", "Initial Biomass", "Initial Biomass", "Initial Biomass"
), Acid = c("Succinic acid", "Lactic acid", "Formic acid", "Acetic acid", 
"Propionic acid", "Isobutyric acid"), avg = c("12.3", "0.2", 
"0.0", "2.2", "0.1", "0.0")), row.names = c(NA, -6L), class = c("tbl_df", 
"tbl", "data.frame"))
> dput(head(org_sd_long))
structure(list(Sample = c("Initial Biomass", "Initial Biomass", 
"Initial Biomass", "Initial Biomass", "Initial Biomass", "Initial Biomass"
), Acid = c("Succinic acid", "Lactic acid", "Formic acid", "Acetic acid", 
"Propionic acid", "Isobutyric acid"), sd = c("0.0", "0.0", "0.0", 
"0.5", "0.0", "0.0")), row.names = c(NA, -6L), class = c("tbl_df", 
"tbl", "data.frame"))

But when I use the merge function, it's telling me that my columns don't exist:

> org_acid_2<-merge(org_avg_long,org_sd_long,by=c(Sample,Acid))
Error in, x) : object 'Sample' not found

I'm not sure why it isn't finding my columns that exist. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

You need to put the column names in the by argument in quotes.

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That's because, like all base R functions, merge() expects the column names to be text, given in quotes:

merge(org_avg_long, org_sd_long, by = c("Sample","Acid"))

The advantage is that you could store the column name in a variable easily:

sample_col <- "Sample"
merge(org_avg_long, org_sd_long, by = c(sample_col, "Acid"))

You're probably used to {tidyverse} functions, such as left_join(), that tend to accept arguments without quotes.

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