Examples of Shiny in use by Commercial Organizations

Hello All,

I am trying to collect a few examples of shiny dashboards that are hosted on a .com or .gov domain (i.e. Shiny being used in production). I am trying to convince the senior management of my company to seriously consider Shiny in production for analysis and insights delivered to clients. We currently use Tableau and an internally developed tool. Ideally, I am looking for examples in Finance, Retail, Manufacturing, Government, etc.

Over the past few months I have collected these examples:

Publicly accessible:

  1. State of California, modeling Covid: https://calcat.covid19.ca.gov/cacovidmodels/
  2. Capital Bikeshare: https://secure.capitalbikeshare.com/map/
  3. Evolving Hockey: https://evolving-hockey.com/

Not publicly accessible, but mentioned in presentations:

  1. S&P Global: Deep Learning Extraction for Counterparty Risk Signals from a Corpus of Millions of Documents - RStudio
  2. Copper Rock Capital: 15 Years of R in Quantitative Finance - RStudio

If you can suggest other examples, that would really help me!

Thanks in advance.


I came across another one. Adding one more to my list:
6. Oilx - Analysis of Crude Oil markets: https://www.oilx.co/platform

The shiny gallery has a few of these, though you may need to google around to find the production site for them as opposed to the gallery demo site. for example.
(I think)

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Ooh, this is really cool! Thanks for the link to the LA county career pathfinder. Going to add this to my list. :slightly_smiling_face:

If you're building a case for IT, take a look at: Customer Stories - RStudio


Thanks @slopp ! This is a fantastic resource. I had seen it before, but it looks like there are more case studies there now. I will definitely look through this in more detail.

Two more external Shiny dashboards from CDPH


Thank you @loubajuk!

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From the UK but, if it helps, we use shiny (and plumber) in production (finance industry). The app linked below is mainly marketing focused but we do also have other apps which are limited to specific clients.


New Zealand's COVID19 dashboard: https://nzcoviddashboard.esr.cri.nz/

Be aware that all data published via Shiny should be treated as "public" so don't put up anything sensitive like patient data etc.



If you can, let us know how it goes.
Tableau and Shiny are such different tools so I'm really interested to hear their feedback and their perceptions of the tools.

one pretty impressive and relevant to our time: https://worldhealthorg.shinyapps.io/covid/

Thank you @jcolomb ! The WHO Shiny Dashboard is quite impressive indeed.

@lxy009 I am happy to post updated on this. At the moment, two of sticking points are data security and cost. Tableau makes "push button publishing" quite easy for enterprise applications. I guess R Studio Connect is the closest equivalent to this. But our IT team does not have much knowledge about setting up Shiny servers. So, at the moment, we are trying to look up some examples of other public Shiny dashboards.

We use shiny in production at Epicentre - Médecins sans frontières; here's one public example: https://reports.msf.net/public/covid19/

That is running on shiny server but for internal apps we use shinyproxy. It's open source, uses docker for deployment and has lots of enterprise authentication options, so maybe your IT team would be more familiar with these technologies.

Thank you. This is very cool!

In addition to the examples on the shiny gallery, Appsilon have some good examples as well. You can find their shiny demos here.

You can also check the Use of R in Official Statistics (UROS) 2020 website. :slight_smile:

At BC Stats, the Province of British Columbia's statistics agency, we are using Shiny for both data visualization and data dissemination. Here's three examples--we have some others that are not yet published.

Note that in all cases they are running on RStudio's cloud service shinyapps.io; the code is up on the BC Government GitHub site, and the data we are using for these is under various open data licenses. I have been working on getting Shiny server or RStudio Connect, which would provide a significant expansion in functionality, but I keep running up against various institutional barriers.

Data visualization

  • BC Housing Market - combines Census and administrative data, with a variety of plot types and maps

  • BC Student Outcomes - displaying results from surveys of post-secondary students after graduation

Data dissemmination

  • Population estimates - this Shiny app provides access to population estimates for a variety of geographies, age categories, etc. The Shiny app is a straight copy of an older tool we had, designed for self-serve data downloads. The next phases of development will be to incorporate some feedback we have heard from clients, including creating some data visualizations similar to what's in the housing app. (Note that there are parallel apps for household estimates and population projections.)

I'd be happy to chat further if you want more information and/or a pep talk the next time you run up against institutional barriers!


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Thanks for the update @Piranha.

Interesting that data security and cost are the sticking points since, in my opinion, those are not Tableau's strong suits. For what it's worth, I've set up both Shiny servers and Tableau in parallel at the same company. Tableau more for self-service analytics case and where we spent the time to curate the data and expose the right elements ... and where the analysis was simple and straight-forward. Shiny was used when data still required a lot of manipulation not easily or impossible to be done on Tableau and where there's modeling and analysis; things that are not appropriate for self-service.

The 3rd factor, IT not having experience with a software so not wanting to do it, is a common one. I've always been willing to get my hands dirty and be responsible for administrating and working with IT, so I haven't had as much push back in that regard.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Hi Richard, thanks for your input. Would you be able to elaborate on why security is not one of Tableau's strong points?

As for the 3rd factor - you are exactly right. The team has has specifically called out security and costs as primary hurdles. However, I suspect that lack of familiarity is probably an even bigger hurdle. They just haven't haven't verbalized that barrier clearly.

With that point in mind, I had posted another question on this community (here: Talking to "traditional" IT managers about Shiny). If you have any other resources that I can utilize, please let me know!