Export the intercepts and coefficients

Hello everybody,
I would like to ask for help. I have data like below. Dependent variable y is from p1, p2, p3, ...to p6, respectively, and independent variables are rmrf, SMB, HML, CMA,RMW. I would like to export the intercept (and coefficients of SMB, HML, RMW, CMA) in each regression into a table as follows;


I really appreciate any help. Thank you in advance.
Best regards,


rmrf = c(-11.9751824959988,-0.553741946142413,




HML = c(-1.7384574213012,5.01940431986608,




SMB = c(-0.63078758830159,-3.9748240574933,




RMW = c(-4.24694692269615,4.87157624037724,




CMA = c(1.77709999211917,-3.4786626692302,




p1 = c(-5.14076223471579,-10.2096038237067,




p2 = c(-11.1067719335485,-4.03104402558242,




p3 = c(-10.2668746380167,-3.83542356643224,




p4 = c(-3.24756191041237,-6.819137147006,




p5 = c(13.7224090547089,6.50642620820488,




p6 = c(-4.54608803556514,9.62266853601001,




date = as.factor(c("2007-07-31",





p1<-lm(reg$p1 ~ reg$rmrf+reg$SMB+reg$HML+reg$RMW+reg$CMA, data = reg)


p2<-lm(reg$p2 ~ reg$rmrf+reg$SMB+reg$HML+reg$RMW+reg$CMA, data = reg)


p3<-lm(reg$p3 ~ reg$rmrf+reg$SMB+reg$HML+reg$RMW+reg$CMA, data = reg)


p4<-lm(reg$p4 ~ reg$rmrf+reg$SMB+reg$HML+reg$RMW+reg$CMA, data = reg)


p5<-lm(reg$p5 ~ reg$rmrf+reg$SMB+reg$HML+reg$RMW+reg$CMA, data = reg)


p6<-lm(reg$p6 ~ reg$rmrf+reg$SMB+reg$HML+reg$RMW+reg$CMA, data = reg)


I can get close to the layout you want with functions from the broom and tidyr packages. If p1 through p6 are the results of the lm() function:

p1DF <- broom::tidy(p1)
p2DF <- broom::tidy(p2)
p3DF <- broom::tidy(p3)
p4DF <- broom::tidy(p4)
p5DF <- broom::tidy(p5)
p6DF <- broom::tidy(p6)
AllInfo <- bind_rows(list(p1 = p1DF, 
                          p2 = p2DF, 
                          p3 = p3DF, 
                          p4 = p4DF, 
                          p5 = p5DF,
                          p6 = p6DF), .id = "Variable")

AllInfo <- select(AllInfo, Variable, term, estimate) %>% 
  mutate(term = ifelse(term == "(Intercept)", "Intercept", term))
AllInfo <- tidyr::pivot_wider(AllInfo, names_from = Variable, values_from = estimate)

# A tibble: 6 x 7
  term           p1     p2      p3      p4     p5     p6
  <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
1 Intercept -4.01   -1.42  -0.120  -2.82    7.94   1.39 
2 reg$rmrf   0.427   0.838  0.894   0.570   0.917  0.635
3 reg$SMB    3.10    1.19   1.33    0.938  -1.17  -0.635
4 reg$HML   -0.0616  0.104  0.431  -0.863   0.381  0.877
5 reg$RMW    0.595  -0.132 -0.0154  0.0746 -0.658  0.329
6 reg$CMA    0.172  -0.371  0.378   0.0692  2.44   0.608

I do not know of a way to get to the exact layout you want without manually extracting parts of the above data frame and placing them in a data frame or character matrix. Do you need exactly that layout?

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Thank you so much for your reply. In fact, I need exactly that layout. This is a table I would like to get.

I have many regressions, in this table, there are 25 regressions from p1 to p25. This table will be replicated many times with many ways of sorting portfolios.

I think the result of this code matches what you showed in your first post. As you can see, the code is not flexible.

p1DF <- broom::tidy(p1)
p2DF <- broom::tidy(p2)
p3DF <- broom::tidy(p3)
p4DF <- broom::tidy(p4)
p5DF <- broom::tidy(p5)
p6DF <- broom::tidy(p6)
AllInfo <- bind_rows(list(p1 = p1DF, 
                          p2 = p2DF, 
                          p3 = p3DF, 
                          p4 = p4DF, 
                          p5 = p5DF,
                          p6 = p6DF), .id = "Variable")

AllInfo <- select(AllInfo, Variable, term, estimate) %>% 
  mutate(term = ifelse(term == "(Intercept)", "Intercept", term),
         term = stringr::str_remove(term, "reg\\$"),
         term = ifelse(term != "Intercept", paste("Coefficients of", term), term),
         term = factor(term, 
                       levels = c("Intercept", "Coefficients of SMB", 
                                  "Coefficients of HML", 
                                  "Coefficients of RMW", 
                                  "Coefficients of CMA", 
                                  "Coefficients of rmrf"))) %>% 
DATA <- c()
for (TERM in unique(AllInfo$term)) {
  DATA <- c(DATA, TERM, "", "", AllInfo[AllInfo$term == TERM, ][["estimate"]])
MAT <- matrix(DATA, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
head(MAT) #show first 6 rows

     [,1]                  [,2]                [,3]                
[1,] "Intercept"           ""                  ""                  
[2,] "-4.00916763285607"   "-1.41806105118572" "-0.119699492103685"
[3,] "-2.81788367484286"   "7.94427010089105"  "1.39488122579301"  
[4,] "Coefficients of SMB" ""                  ""                  
[5,] "3.09907511930664"    "1.18658954188907"  "1.3308839858677"   
[6,] "0.938181518109181"   "-1.16657008367081" "-0.635420813048536"
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Dear @FJCC,

Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help. If you don't mind, may I ask you one more question? As you know, I have to export the t-value of the intercept and t-value of all variables in the same layout. But this code is beyond of my knowledge to replicate this issue with t-value.

To display the t statistic you have to change this line

DATA <- c(DATA, TERM, "", "", AllInfo[AllInfo$term == TERM, ][["estimate"]])

to be

DATA <- c(DATA, TERM, "", "", AllInfo[AllInfo$term == TERM, ][["statistic"]])

You will probably also want to change every instance of Coefficients to t statistic in this earlier section.

mutate(term = ifelse(term == "(Intercept)", "Intercept", term),
         term = stringr::str_remove(term, "reg\\$"),
         term = ifelse(term != "Intercept", paste("Coefficients of", term), term),
         term = factor(term, 
                       levels = c("Intercept", "Coefficients of SMB", 
                                  "Coefficients of HML", 
                                  "Coefficients of RMW", 
                                  "Coefficients of CMA", 
                                  "Coefficients of rmrf")))
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Thank you @FJCC, thank you so much for taking the time on my issue.
I wish you all the best.
Best regards,

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