Expression evaluation not working inside a function (weird)

You can copy/paste the following code on a R script file:

myeval = function(code) {
  eval(parse(text = code))

### FAILS ###

test = function() {
  a = 5
  b = myeval(sprintf("b = a + 3")) # Raises this error: Error in eval(parse(text = code)) : object 'a' not found 
  return (b)

c = test()


### SUCCESS ###

d = 5
e = myeval(sprintf("d + 3"))

My Problem is: I'm getting an error when using myeval inside a function. However it works when it is outside a function.

Any idea on how to make eval work inside a function?


Ok, here the answer:

myeval = function(code, envir = NULL) {
  eval(parse(text = code), envir = envir)

test = function() {
  a = 5
  b = myeval(sprintf("a + 3"), environment())
  return (b)

c = test()



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