File Input for 'dygraphs"?

Hello RStudio Community!

I would like to generate a sequence of interactive plots from a collection of time series data using 'dygraphs' but instead of using the "default" (mdeaths, fdealths, ldeaths) data sets, I would like to read this 'tabular' (?) format data from a file (txt and/or csv), instead.

The specific 'example' code that I am referring to can be found at the following URL:

I believe that I understand what is going on with this series of 'dygraphs' routines but I cannot get the format correct before generating the plot.

Please know that I routinely (...easily!) read data sets using csv format data files but the data sets that I found in these examples are different and in a (!) tabular format that I would like to appropriately learn how to read from a file...

An example from the URL above:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1974 2134 1863 1877 1877 1492 1249 1280 1131 1209 1492 1621 1846
1975 2103 2137 2153 1833 1403 1288 1186 1133 1053 1347 1545 2066
1976 2020 2750 2283 1479 1189 1160 1113 970 999 1208 1467 2059
1977 2240 1634 1722 1801 1246 1162 1087 1013 959 1179 1229 1655
1978 2019 2284 1942 1423 1340 1187 1098 1004 970 1140 1110 1812
1979 2263 1820 1846 1531 1215 1075 1056 975 940 1081 1294 1341

Needless to say, any help or examples would be greatly appreciated!


PS - I am using...
R version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15) -- "Someone to Lean On"
Copyright (C) 2018 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) 'ZORIN'

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