Filter function - ERROR - HELP

I tried to filter my data "Data_m2" by my "ESG_Score_Sustainalytics" variable grouping them by years using my "Data_Date_Security_Monthly" . However, it gives me this error. I want my dataset to be organised monthly but at the same time split them by years.

filter(Data_m2, ESG_Score_Sustainalytics, group_by(Year))
Error: Problem with filter() input ..1.
:information_source: Input ..1 is ESG_Score_Sustainalytics.
x Input ..1 must be a logical vector, not a double.

Can someone help me with this error? Where am I wrong?

Seems like ESG_Score_Sustainalytics is a numerical variable. So, to filter on this variable, there has to be a logical operation. Something like

filter(Data_m2, ESG_Score_Sustainalytics == 1)
filter(Data_m2, ESG_Score_Sustainalytics < 10)


Also, the group_by(Year) should be written as another function call after the filter, not an additional argument to filter.

filter(Data_m2, ESG_Score_Sustainalytics == 1) %>% group_by(Year)

One problem is that ESG_Score is a set of numeric values. You need to filter the data with some logical condition like

ESG_Score >= 10

I am not sure what you mean to do with group_by(Year). That is not used inside of a filter() function. Do you intend to sort the resulting data?

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