Filter is not working

hi there,
when i run this command
filter(mpg, year==2002)
i got this error
Error in filter(mpg, year == 2002) : object 'year' not found

i am facing this error?
what is the issue?
My R Studio is currpt??

Be sure to use dplyr::filter and not stats::filter


To this end ensure that the library dplyr is loaded.



filter(mpg, year == 2002)

thank you very much

can you please tell me how can i explorer datasets installed in my rstudio
for example mpg,
i want to browse all data sets?
how can i export mpg dataset to excel or csv file


Export using write.csv
First set your file directory, or else it will default to Documents.
You can set it via Session > Set Working Directory > To Source File Location (i.e. where your R script is stored). Or specify it using setwd

write.csv(mpg, file = "mpgdataset.csv")
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Hey! There is a function called data() if you run that it will show you all preinstalled data sets. : )

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