Find a safe bicycle route in Regina, SK, Canada - Shiny Contest Submission

Find a safe bicycle route in Regina, SK, Canada

Authors: Andrew Dyck

Abstract: Bicycling in a city can be dangerous at the best of times. This app helps you identify how safe your bicycle trip will be in Regina, SK, Canada by showing where your route might intersect with locations where previous bicycle-automobile accidents have occurred.

Full Description: Bicycling in a city can be dangerous at the best of times. This app helps you identify how safe your bicycle trip will be in Regina, SK, Canada by showing where your route might intersect with locations where previous bicycle-automobile accidents have occurred.

Some examples of routes you may want to try are:

Wascana Lake to Mosaic Stadium
Sandra Schmirler Leisure Centre to Regina City Hall

Keywords: leaflet, reactive, bicycle
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - andrewjdyck/shiny-comp-2021: An R Shiny project to show bicycle routes overlaid with bicycle accident locations in Regina, SK
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


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