Find the number of data points lying between a range by moving a slider in R shiny app?


I am looking to find the number of data points lying between a range of values by moving a slider in R shiny app. For instance, how many data points are in between 0-25, 0-50 etc. It seems like currently, the line plot is just plotting on the val column directly, however, I am interested to know the number of data points lying between the range of selected values on the slider. Is it possible to identify or a new filtered column must be added to a data in order to accomplish that?

Responsive Genes count in each concentration; For each concentration, responsive genes are set of genes that has been detected with a values between ranges.

Thank you,

structure(list(Samples = c("Gene_1", "Gene_2", "Gene_3", "Gene_4", 
                           "Gene_5", "Gene_1", "Gene_2", "Gene_3", "Gene_4", "Gene_5", "Gene_1", 
                           "Gene_2", "Gene_3", "Gene_4", "Gene_5", "Gene_1", "Gene_2", "Gene_3", 
                           "Gene_4", "Gene_5", "Gene_1", "Gene_2", "Gene_3", "Gene_4", "Gene_5", 
                           "Gene_1", "Gene_2", "Gene_3", "Gene_4", "Gene_5", "Gene_1", "Gene_2", 
                           "Gene_3", "Gene_4", "Gene_5", "Gene_1", "Gene_2", "Gene_3", "Gene_4", 
                           "Gene_5", "Gene_1", "Gene_2", "Gene_3", "Gene_4", "Gene_5"), 
               val = c(37.1, 75.3, 46, 96.33, 39, 58.22, 83, 11.36, 64, 
                       -91, 38, -68, 28, 81, -53, 1.6, -3.3, -30.33, -6.65, 61.99, 
                       94.01, 79.01, 2.2, 86, 14, 26, 93, 32, 76, 5.5, 69, 50.1, 
                       98.2, 18.3, 74.4, -55.66, -33.33, -24.69, -62.69, -8.87, 
                       -4.99, -27.22, 99.1, 41.01, -6.5), variable = c("category1", 
                                                                       "category1", "category1", "category1", "category1", "category2", 
                                                                       "category2", "category2", "category2", "category2", "category3", 
                                                                       "category3", "category3", "category3", "category3", "category4", 
                                                                       "category4", "category4", "category4", "category4", "category5", 
                                                                       "category5", "category5", "category5", "category5", "category6", 
                                                                       "category6", "category6", "category6", "category6", "category7", 
                                                                       "category7", "category7", "category7", "category7", "category8", 
                                                                       "category8", "category8", "category8", "category8", "category9", 
                                                                       "category9", "category9", "category9", "category9"), Concentration = c("T1", 
                                                                                                                                              "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T1", 
                                                                                                                                              "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T1", 
                                                                                                                                              "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T1", 
                                                                                                                                              "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T1", 
                                                                                                                                              "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
#>    Samples    val  variable Concentration
#> 1   Gene_1  37.10 category1            T1
#> 2   Gene_2  75.30 category1            T2
#> 3   Gene_3  46.00 category1            T3
#> 4   Gene_4  96.33 category1            T4
#> 5   Gene_5  39.00 category1            T5
#> 6   Gene_1  58.22 category2            T1
#> 7   Gene_2  83.00 category2            T2
#> 8   Gene_3  11.36 category2            T3
#> 9   Gene_4  64.00 category2            T4
#> 10  Gene_5 -91.00 category2            T5
#> 11  Gene_1  38.00 category3            T1
#> 12  Gene_2 -68.00 category3            T2
#> 13  Gene_3  28.00 category3            T3
#> 14  Gene_4  81.00 category3            T4
#> 15  Gene_5 -53.00 category3            T5
#> 16  Gene_1   1.60 category4            T1
#> 17  Gene_2  -3.30 category4            T2
#> 18  Gene_3 -30.33 category4            T3
#> 19  Gene_4  -6.65 category4            T4
#> 20  Gene_5  61.99 category4            T5
#> 21  Gene_1  94.01 category5            T1
#> 22  Gene_2  79.01 category5            T2
#> 23  Gene_3   2.20 category5            T3
#> 24  Gene_4  86.00 category5            T4
#> 25  Gene_5  14.00 category5            T5
#> 26  Gene_1  26.00 category6            T1
#> 27  Gene_2  93.00 category6            T2
#> 28  Gene_3  32.00 category6            T3
#> 29  Gene_4  76.00 category6            T4
#> 30  Gene_5   5.50 category6            T5
#> 31  Gene_1  69.00 category7            T1
#> 32  Gene_2  50.10 category7            T2
#> 33  Gene_3  98.20 category7            T3
#> 34  Gene_4  18.30 category7            T4
#> 35  Gene_5  74.40 category7            T5
#> 36  Gene_1 -55.66 category8            T1
#> 37  Gene_2 -33.33 category8            T2
#> 38  Gene_3 -24.69 category8            T3
#> 39  Gene_4 -62.69 category8            T4
#> 40  Gene_5  -8.87 category8            T5
#> 41  Gene_1  -4.99 category9            T1
#> 42  Gene_2 -27.22 category9            T2
#> 43  Gene_3  99.10 category9            T3
#> 44  Gene_4  41.01 category9            T4
#> 45  Gene_5  -6.50 category9            T5


ui <- dashboardPage(
  dashboardHeader(title = "Basic dashboard"),
    # Boxes need to be put in a row (or column)
      box(plotlyOutput("plotdf", height = 250)),

        title = "Responsive Genes Counts",
        sliderInput(inputId = "val", label = "cut-off:", min = 0, max = 50, value = 10

server <- function(input, output) {
    filter(df, val <= input$val) %>%
      plot_ly() %>%
      add_lines(type = 'scatter', mode = "lines",
                x = ~Concentration, y = ~val)

shinyApp(ui, server)

Created on 2022-02-20 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

I think its this:


ui <- dashboardPage(
  dashboardHeader(title = "Basic dashboard"),
    # Boxes need to be put in a row (or column)
      box(plotlyOutput("plotdf", height = 250)),
        title = "Responsive Genes Counts",
        sliderInput(inputId = "val", label = "cut-off:", min = 0, max = 50, value = 10

server <- function(input, output) {
    filter(df, val <= input$val) %>%
      plot_ly() %>%
      add_lines(type = 'scatter', mode = "lines",
                x = ~Concentration, y = ~val)
  output$count <- renderText({
    nrow(filter(df, val <= input$val) )

shinyApp(ui, server)


Thank you very much. This works.

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