fit of model not working

here is the data preprocessing and model defining code. I continue to get a user code error and do not know why .

BreastCancer <- BreastCancer[which(complete.cases(BreastCancer)==TRUE),]

breastCancer <- as_tibble(BreastCancer)
breastCancer$Mitoses <- as.numeric(breastCancer$Mitoses)

ggplot(breastCancer, aes(Bl.cromatin)) +

breastCancerSplit <- initial_split(BreastCancer, prop = .8, strata = 'Class')

breastCancerTraining <- training(breastCancerSplit)
breastCancerTest <- testing(breastCancerSplit)

breastCancerRecipe <- recipe(Class ~ ., data = breastCancerTraining) %>%
step_rm(Id) %>%
step_dummy(Class) %>%

breastCancerTrainingPreped <- bake(breastCancerRecipe, new_data = breastCancerTraining)
breastCancerTestPreped <- bake(breastCancerRecipe, new_data = breastCancerTest)

breastCancerTrainingPrepedMatrix <- as.matrix(breastCancerTrainingPreped[1:9], rownames.force = F)
breastCancerTrainingPrepedMatrixLabel <- as.matrix(breastCancerTrainingPreped[10], rownames.force = F)

model <- keras_model_sequential() %>%
layer_dense(units = 6, activation = 'relu', input_shape = 9) %>%
layer_dense(units = 6, activation = 'relu') %>%
layer_dense(units = 2, activation = 'softmax')

model %>% compile (
optimizer = optimizer_adam(),
loss = "categorical_crossentropy",
metrics = c('accuracy')

history <- model %>% fit(
batch_size = 50,
epochs = 30,
validation_split = .2

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