for loops and vectors


for (i in g){



What is wrong with the above code.
I wanted to see g with all 1's but I get g with all zeros

creates a vector of five zeros. i is then set to zero five times.

You could just do : rep(1, 5).

First of all, Thank you!
I understand integer(5) creates 5 zeros
But what about the rest of it?
for (i in g){


That should change it zeros to 1's, correct?

Thanks for responding.
The reason for my question is the second part:

for (i in g){


why don't all the g[i] get changed to 1 by the addition equation?
I need the equation to work, but it doesn't.
This seems so simple, and I must be doing something obviously wrong

The first time through it says g[0] = 0 + 1. In R indices equal to 0 are ignored. So nothing changes

Compare these two versions.

for (i in g){
   print(paste("i = ", i))
[1] "i =  0"
[1] "i =  0"
[1] "i =  0"
[1] "i =  0"
[1] "i =  0"

for (i in seq_along(g)){
   print(paste("i = ", i))
[1] "i =  1"
[1] "i =  2"
[1] "i =  3"
[1] "i =  4"
[1] "i =  5"

[1] 1 1 1 1 1
1 Like

Mr. Startz

Thank you!


Thank You!

I think I understand now

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